A To access member eligibility and benefit information on Alignment Health Plan's website, go to AlignmentHealthPlan.com/providers and find "Member Eligibility" under the Provider Tools section on the left side menu.
- Go to: alignmenthealthplan.com/providers
- On the left side menu, select PROVIDER TOOLS (LOG-IN REQUIRED) which will take you to another page
- Below the login form, select CREATE AN ACCOUNT
- Follow the on-screen instructions
- Physician first and last name
- Physician individual NPI (not Group NPI)
- Tax ID number
- Physician License Number
- Requester contact information (first and last name, title/role, phone)
- Valid email address
- Select the "Provider Portal Login" blue button in the middle of the Provider page
- Enter your login and password
- Forgot your login or password? 3 solutions:
To verify member eligibility using our Interactive Voice Response (IVR) system call 1-888-517-2247 24 hours a day, 7 days a week
- Select option 2
- Speaking responses directly to the Interactive Voice Response (IVR) will quickly lead to the eligibility information
- When promoted, say "Member-specific plan"
- The IVR will ask for a NPI number
- State the Physician individual NPI (not Group NPI)
- The IVR will ask for the member's Alignment ID number or Medicare ID number (MBI number)
- State the member's Alignment ID number or Medicare ID Number (MBI number)
- The IVR will ask you to state the service year for benefits (Example 2022)
- The IVR will respond regarding the member's eligibility
Another option is to speak with a Provider Relations Representative about our PPO plans, plan benefits or member eligibility. Please call 1-866-646-2247 and select option 5. Provider Relations Representatives are available Monday – Friday from 5:00 am to 5:00 pm PST.